Welcome to Shamanic Supply: Authentic, Ethically Sourced Shamanic Sacraments: Buy Rapé (Hapé, Rapeh), Sananga and Kambo. 

Every purchase supports the protection of ancient traditions and the communities who safeguard them. Visit our Values and Guidance page to learn more about our sourcing, or explore our About page to get to know us better. Thank you for being a part of this sacred journey with us!

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Support and Respect
Shamanic Supply is committed to supplying the very best sacraments to our customers, always focusing on authenticity and honoring tradition. When you purchase these sacraments, you enter into an energetic contract with the tribes. Treat them with care, and they will treat you well. Take time away from the hustle and bustle of your life to connect with your favorite rapé or sananga. Remember to express your gratitude and appreciation to all those who have had a hand in creating these powerful allies, and send them your prayers. Haux Haux
Yawanawá Festival